Category Archives: diets

Fat Tuesday

It’s been too long since I’ve been down in the Big Easy.

I think the recent Super Bowl win by the Saints has amped up my desire to make a return to NOLA.

I’m missing New Orleans. Days like today, Fat Tuesday, make me crave it even more … the food, the music, the beads, the beverages.

Speaking of beverages, I’m not Catholic, but I am giving up something for Lent this year. I’m swearing off sodas. Bye Bye Mountain Dew. See ya later Dr. Pepper. It’s been sweet, but I’m going to eliminate you.

I did this a few years ago and erased Diet Coke from my list of liquids of which I partake. As a matter of fact, it’s now been four years since I swilled a Diet Coke.

Hurricane Katrina has paid a horrible visit to New Orleans since I have. She ravaged it. I hope to make a much more gentle landing in the Crescent City.

I’d love to  feel the heavy air and smell the amazing aromas that waft out of doors and windows of restaurants of both the five-star and the tiny five-table variety.

The music pulses through the humidity moving your feet along the cobblestones and sidewalks, pulling you toward the rhythm. Brass boldly squawking at you. The felt-covered hammers inside the piano striking and making the strings vibrate to match the pumping of the blood through your veins. An accordion wheezing and breathing, yelling more than whispering, urging you to come inside. The city and its music speaks to you.

To put you even more in the spirit of New Orleans, Newscoma called upon Buckwheat Zydeco this morning.

I present to you Dr. John performing “Iko Iko.”

Om Nom Nom Nom

Suddenly I’m very hungry.

(Don’t let the still image on the video fool you. It’s not overtly sexual in nature and very safe for work, etc.)

My Dietary Intake Sucks

OK, So I’ve been running around for a long week now as the local high school basketball tourneys are under way.

I’ll still be running at this time next week, but the number of teams I’m following has dwindled down to three.

While I’ve been visiting the gyms, my nutritional intake has taken a turn for the worse.

Lots of fast food and hospitality room finger foods. Too tempting for my weak constitution.

I didn’t actually eat the sandwich above, but it is representative of several food groups I’ve been grazing on lately.

That Dagwood Bumstead of a meal up there is called the Heart Attack Sandwich and consists of chicken fried steak,  chicken-fried bacon, a country sausage, a fried egg, a fried green tomato topped with cheddar cheese and sandwiched between buns toasted in bacon fat, all served with a gravy dipping sauce.

It’s from the This Is Why You’re Fat web site which is loaded with craptastic fried foods just waiting to kill you.

Bacon For The Win

I’ve documented my love for bacon previously on this blog but in the past few days I’ve run across some new bacon bits I just had to share.

First, an incredible heart-attack inducing BBQ bacon recipe that Lee over at Digital Nicotine linked to. It’s a step by step recipe with photos included. Basically, it’s bacon, wrapped in bacon, wrapped in bacon and then grilled. What’s not to love.

Then over at Neatorama I found a link that will provide a floating strip of bacon for your site.

FYI, while looking for some things for this post I googled pig and ran across all sorts of creepy, freaky pig masks.

Dark Chocolate Man Axe Ad Wigs Me Out

Here’s the story.

I watch a lot of Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network as I fall asleep at night.

I can’t get enough of the Venture Brothers, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Sea Lab 2021, Harvey Birdman, Cowboy Bebop and Squidbillies. Morel Orel is one of those shows that makes me cringe, but I don’t turn away, but Tim and Eric’s Awesome Show I can’t tolerate.

Anyway, during the run of programming during the late hours, AXE body spray is advertised frequently.

Their ad for their Dark Temptation body spray (which must be a chocolate scent from all I can assume and gather) really wigs me out.

The women in the ad biting off chunks of the chocolate dude are just odd and his melting his own arm for a female-enticing fondue or breaking off his own nose are just creepy.

Here’s an Argentinian version of the ad that airs on Adult Swim. It’s the only 60 second version I could find on Youtube.

Let me know if this weirds you out as much as it does me.

Or maybe it’s just me.


Snake Nearly Swallows Whole Kangaroo Video

This is an obvious case of the snake’s eyes being bigger than its stomach jaws.

It reminds of the video of the snake regurgitating the baby hippo.

Gluttony in nature is one ugly thing.

Vodpod videos no longer available.


Happy Birthday Newscoma

Happy Birthday to Newscoma!!!!

I baked her up something special for her big day. BTW, she’s already celebrated 40.

Go wish her well on her special day.

If you don’t read her stuff, start today. If you don’t know her, you’re missing out.

Who wouldn’t want a big bite of this tasty bakery confection.

This one takes the urinal cake.

For other photos of crappy cakes and directions on how to bake and decorate them, go here.

Wang Dang Doodle – Weird Chinese Dining Delicacies

Everyone has Beijing Fever this week it seems.

No, it’s not some new version of the Avian Flu, it’s the media frenzy leading up to the 2008 Summer Olympics hosted by Beijing.

Along with all the stories about smog and Internet access in the host city, I ran across a story about unusual Chinese dining delicacies.

Garry Linnell, a reporter for the Daily Telegraph in Australia, spent an evening in a Beijing restaurant sampling four varieties of animal peni. Yep. You read that correctly; he ate multiple varieties of penis and went about describing his culinary adventure as fatty, chewy and bland.

Donkey, deer, sheep and oxen all gave up their lives and their male members to Linnell’s meal.

For his blog review of his meal and a link to the video of his repulsive repast, go here.

Into this boiling stock go the penises. A few minutes later the first is hanging from my quivering chopsticks. Ox penis, says the waitress, is full of protein, good for the skin and aids longevity. And the deeper its colour, the more effective its properties.

I think you’ll be glad I had trouble getting their video to embed.

It’s fun and gross to laugh at this menu option until we remember our American culture also has a history of nibbling on the naughty bits.

To help erase this from your brainpan and to feel a bit better about Beijing, go look at all the lovely topiaries they’ve planted and sculpted to beautify the city for the Olympic games.


Grillin’ on a Friday – Steaks Take the Cake

It looks like a hunk of beef, a tasty T-bone, some killer Kobe.

Instead, it’s a steak that Betty Crocker could love.

Cakes that look like steaks – I don’t get it, but apparently they felt like they’d outgrown Ninja Turtle cakes or something.

We have to ask “Why?”, but we don’t have to get an answer.

Just like my recent post about cupcake tattoos, it doesn’t make much sense, but there’s no accounting for taste. Hopefully, though, they all satisfy the sweet tooth.

Here are a couple more steak/cakes, but to see the rest go to YesButNoButYes.

For more unusual cake designs, I give you geeky grooms’ cakes.

Crazy for Cupcakes and Ink

In all my inntertubes wandering today, I ran across a group on flickr that is just for pics of tattoos of food. Unbelievably, the predominant food item among the 200+ pics of tats was cupcakes.

Go figure.

Here are a couple of my favorites.

I like this person’s good and evil theme.

Here’s another evil cupcake.

You can go to the Flickr group and see all the iced bakery delights and a variety of foods and cooking utensils I’d also never considered as potential tattoos.