Corgi Tether Ball

Originally uploaded by squirrelqueen

Some of you who stop by here may know I have a fondness for a special dog named Mabel – a stray with apparently plenty of corgi in her bloodlines.

So you can understand when I ran across this video of corgis playing tether ball (which won’t let me embed it) I couldn’t stifle the “Awwwww” that escaped from me.

Looks like Mabel is going to have to get on some fitness regimen to compete with these canines.

Watch and smile.

Feel Good Friday – Salty Dog

The Carolina Chocolate Drops make their Feel Good Friday debut here at the squirrel’s nest.

It takes them a few seconds to get tuned up, but once they do, it’s top notch and quite possibly the bee’s knees.

Tap your feet and enjoy a little Salty Dog.


Indian Robot Rampage

I ran across this clip from the Indian science fiction film clip that is ASTOUNDING!!!!!

I’ve seen two spellings for the name of the flick – Enthiran and Endhiran. The Indian to English translation for both those words must be Awesome!

If you can watch this with a straight face, count me impressed.  I grinned, giggled and guffawed while watching.

Winter In A Baseball Stadium






We’re dealing with some wintery weather here in Tennessee in recent days. Where I’m located, there really wasn’t enough snow to be a factor, but other areas were inundated. It reminded me of something I saw a couple of weeks ago online.

So what do you do with a baseball stadium during the winter months?

The folks in Cleveland figured it out. It’s called Cleveland Snow Days.

They installed an innertube luge run, an ice skating rink and a snowball tossing area along with some other nifty stuff during the weeks before and after the holidays.

Even cooler is that the baseball dugouts were warm-up areas for the chilly visitors. How awesome would that be to hang out in the dugout? Pretty awesome if you ask me.

It brought people back to the downtown area during a time when foot traffic and visitors are at a minimum. Very smart.

And it looks like it would be fun.

So until the first pitch of spring, here’s to Cleveland and their winter baseball wonderland.

The Moon and the Tides

squirrel in the moon

Rant begins here > So I’m reading that Bill O’Reilly doesn’t understand why the tides roll in and out. Ask any sixth-grader. It’s the moon’s gravitational pull, or is “science” still a dirty word?

Science, why that’s for the birds. Birds that are falling out of the sky that is. Wait, isn’t that a sign of some foreboding apocalypse? Yikes. The gods, they must be angry. Wait, Angry Birds. Isn’t that a game on the Intertubes? Ahh, it’s all coming around again. Just like the Mayan Calendar. Wait, is this all leading up to 2012? Wait, that was a movie and movies are made by liberals and that means they believe in science. My mind is exploding!!!!111!!~

Electric Eel vs. Alligator (Caiman)

So who would win a battle between an electric eel and an alligator?

Well, actually a smart alligator would leave an electric eel all alone.

Nature provides all sorts of defenses – poison, camouflage, big brains combined with opposable thumbs. For the eel, it’s a shock of electricity that can save its life from a predator.

Here’s visual evidence of an entanglement between the two captured by a Brazilian fisherman.

The eel’s effort was more successful than this python which tried to eat an alligator.

Photo credit for arm-raising alligator – Funny Junk

Cats and Crows – Street Fighters

No need to travel to the savannas of Africa to see nature in all its brutal glory.

Just peek out your window into your backyard or peer down from your apartment building and see what’s going on in the streets below.

To prove my point, here’s an epic battle featuring two cats and two crows.

Meth Lab

3 out of four dogs recommend you stay off drugs.

Chia Obama = Blooming Patriotism

chia squirrel

I hate to spoil it for all you folks on my Christmas list, but I can’t wait to share what I’m getting everyone for Christmas. I have considered in the past making a pact with myself to purchase every single Christmas gift at convenience stores. I’m not doing that this year, maybe next year (I can see you squirming with excitement already).

However, I have found the perfect gift for every single person on my list. From plant lovers to patriots, I’ve got you covered.

It’s the Obama Chia Pet from the Proud to be American Chia series.

Or maybe you’d rather have the Statue of Liberty Chia with the “ever-glowing flame.”

Feeling a bit more revolutionary, there’s the George Washington Chia.

There’s also an Abraham Lincoln Chia edition, but I can’t understand why they didn’t manufacture it where Lincoln’s beard will also grow green plants. Only his hair grows. Shouldn’t Abe be wearing a stovepipe hat to cover his hair, leaving his chin as the best spot for luxurious growing greenery?

Happy Thanksgiving

Have a ball on Turkey Day.

While I won’t be heading to the Turkey Testicle Festival, I will be traveling to dine with friends in Memphis and I’m so looking forward to sharing the community meal.

And for the musically inclined, here’s a link to a ton of food tunes you can stream while eating your turkey repast.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.