Tag Archives: colorful

Flipping My Lid For The Pez Song

It’s a catchy little tune and I’m a sucker for stop motion animation and Pez so how could I not love this one.


Face Painting at its Highest Level

You can’t go to any little community street fair, church event or fund-raiser without someone slapping some paint on anyone under the age of 7 willing to slow down for at least three minutes.

Artist James Kuhn has painted his own face at a level of creativity that’s much higher than tiny pumpkins for fall or reindeer for Christmas.

His paintings are elaborate and completely transform his noggin into something that comes alive in a whole different manner.

He’s taken his painting project to the 365 phase, with a different facial facade for each day. On his Flickr site, he’s also got videos so you can see his art in action. I recommend checking out the great white shark.

He’s produced a photo book of his face painting too.

Everything from pop culture icons to food to nature become his subjects.

Here are just a few of my favorites.

BTW, this is my first NaBloPoMo post for November.

Come back every day this month and see what’s happening here at the Squirrel Queen’s palace.

Heck, just come back every day forever.

The Queen commands thee.